Japanese Maple, Cunningham Fir, Pieris Japonica "Mountain Fire" and a varigated Hydrangea everyone loves but is afraid to buy!
One of my most favorite ferns, Sensitive fern, Onoclea sensibilis, is actually quite tough... I often drive past a really great patch of it in full sun and then it was mowed and *boom* back and raging! Might I say...
This is a garden salvia I transplanted into one of my flower beds in the front... these butterflies (I'm not sure of the species) are everywhere & everyday I have to capture and release several who get caught in the nursery, banging themselves silly against the window.
At first I thought petals or blooms from another plant were falling and getting caught in this Dwarf mondo grass (dwarf mondo - how's that for a botanical oxymoron?!) but no... it's actually blooming!
1 comment:
The butterfly looks like a Silver-spotted Skipper. I see them often at Wave Hill too. Love those babies.
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