This is Phlox paniculata, I'm going to say it's "Davidii"... I once took a plant exam as part of a job interview/application and one of the last questions was "Least favorite plant" and I responded with phlox. Why? Because it has never been anything but a powdery mildew nightmare for me... until now... Now it is absolutely gorgeous! This was a transplant from one of my little old garden club ladies gardens and I'm sold... She is striking and scented and completely devoid of any traces of powdery mildew! Phlox, I'm so sorry I talked any trash about you! My guess with the why of powdery mildew is, once again, exposure and making sure she has enough airflow and is not overcrowded.
This daylily is also a transplant from one of the ladies... very sweet pale yellow with a softly spicey fragrance... nice!
This is Hibiscus "Southern Belle". A really outstanding red.
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