Saturday, July 12, 2008

My roomie Rob got suckered into buying a $12 bouquet of gladiolas... The thing is, once you pull off the road to the little card table stand and some little girls say "Twelve dollars please" it's not like you're going to turn away without the flowers... and he had no bargaining power since he was paying with a $20 bill and is a very nice guy! They are beautiful blooms!

My California poppies, Eschscholzia californica, started blooming!

I spotted these Tiger lilies just starting to bloom while at a stop sign the other day... They're natives and I love them!

Luckily I spotted this little lightning bug in my shoe before I put it on... I felt a little bit bad taking a picture of him all stuck on his back and exposed but his phosphorescent booty is so interesting!

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